
Partner visas are included in the Family visa category and account for the majority of visa granted in this category. The visas allow the married spouses …

In an unprecedented move, the Department of Immigration has announced that the processing times for global visa and citizenship is now available online.

In a new move towards greater transparency, the Department of Immigration is all set to publish the processing times of global visa and citizenship applications online.

In a statement released by the Department, they advise that this new initiative is intended to provide the people with more meaningful data about the visa or citizenship product of their choice.

According to the statement, the updates is now available online.

Processing times will be updated monthly to reflect current caseloads and processing pressures. It will be available for most visa sub classes and citizenship application types.

Visa application processing times

Last updated: 14 March 2017 (Source from DIBP)

Visa typeDescription75% of applications processed in90% of applications processed in
400Temporary Work (Short Stay Activity) (Short Stay Specialist)9 days16 days
403Temporary Work (International Relations) (Government Agreement)32 days43 days
403Temporary Work (International Relations) (Foreign Government Agency)28 days43 days
403Temporary Work (International Relations) (Seasonal Worker Programme)9 days13 days
407Training65 days77 days
408Temporary Activity (Entertainment Activities)7 days16 days
408Temporary Activity (Sporting Activities)22 days32 days
408Temporary Activity (Religious Work)67 days76 days
408Temporary Activity (Research Activities)47 days69 days
408Temporary Activity (Special Programmes)66 days75 days
408Temporary Activity (Invited for Other Social and Cultural Activity)8 days14 days
417Working Holiday14 days34 days
457Temporary Work (Skilled)86 days6 months
461New Zealand Citizen Family Relationship (Temporary)8 months11 months
462Work and Holiday7 days19 days
476Skilled – Recognised Graduate4 months4 months
485Temporary Graduate (Graduate Work)5 months6 months
485Temporary Graduate (Post-Study Work)71 days90 days
500Student (Independent ELICOS Sector)55 days71 days
500Student (Schools Sector)55 days86 days
500Student (Vocational Education and Training Sector)43 days76 days
500Student (Higher Education Sector)24 days52 days
500Student (Postgraduate Research Sector)48 days4 months
500Student (Non-Award Sector)29 days46 days
500Student (Foreign Affairs or Defence Sector)15 days35 days
590Student Guardian71 days4 months
600Visitor (Tourist)20 days30 days
600Visitor (Sponsored Family)41 days58 days
600Visitor (Business Visitor)6 days15 days
600Visitor (Approved Destination Status)3 days5 days
600Visitor (Frequent Traveller)5 days12 days
602Medical Treatment25 days56 days
651eVisitor1 day3 days
771Transit6 days9 days
988Maritime Crew Visa4 days6 months
100Partner15 months23 months
101Child9 months15 months
117Orphan Relative22 months26 months
143Contributory Parent (Migrant)32 months33 months
155Five Year Resident Return2 days6 days
173Contributory Parent (Temporary)32 months32 months
186Employer Nomination Scheme (Direct Entry Pathway)9 months11 months
186Employer Nomination Scheme (Transition Pathway)8 months9 months
187Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme (Direct Entry Pathway)11 months12 months
187Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme (Transition Pathway)8 months9 months
188Business Innovation and Investment (Provisional) (Business Innovation)16 months18 months
189Skilled – Independent4 months6 months
190Skilled – Nominated4 months7 months
300Prospective Marriage12 months17 months
309Partner (Provisional)11 months15 months
489Skilled – Regional (Provisional) (Skilled Regional – GSM)5 months6 months
489Skilled – Regional (Provisional) (State/Territory Nominated visa classes – GSM)5 months7 months
801Partner16 months20 months
802Child7 months8 months
820Partner18 months20 months
864Contributory Aged-Parent (Residence)15 months15 months
887Skilled – Regional7 months10 months
892State/Territory Sponsored Business Owner15 months17 months

Australian citizenship application processing times

Last updated: 14 March 2017

Australian Citizenship application type75% of applications processed in90% of applications processed in
Conferral (lodgement to ceremony*)10 months12 months
Descent (lodgement to decision)63 days4 months
Evidence (lodgement to decision)5 days12 days

*a small proportion of applicants for Australian citizenship by conferral are not required to attend a ceremony. For Descent and Evidence applications, allow an additional 10 days for printing and postage of your certificate. If you applied from outside Australia, postage will take longer.

Global visa and citizenship processing times will be available online for the first time from 13 March 2017.

As part of the Department’s ongoing efforts to improve client information, the publishing of current visa and citizenship processing times will give you more meaningful data about the visa or citizenship product of your choice.

The latest processing times will replace the previously published service standards to give you a better idea of how long it is taking to process a particular visa subclass, stream, or citizenship application.

Processing times will be updated monthly to reflect current caseloads and processing pressures, and will be available for most visa subclasses and citizenship application types. We do not publish processing times for some subclasses, as they are closed to new entrants, or capped and queued.

To ensure that your application falls within the published processing times, you must lodge a complete application. Your application will be assessed on a case-by-case basis, and actual processing times can vary due to individual circumstances, including:

  • whether you have lodged a complete application and included all necessary supporting documents
  • how promptly you respond to requests for additional information
  • how long it takes to perform required checks
  • how long it takes to receive additional information from external parties, particularly in relation to health, character, national security, and Assurance of Support requirements
  • the number of places available in the migration programme
  • surges in demand and peak periods.

Australia will introduce a new temporary sponsored parent visa to allow Australian citizens, Australian permanent residents or eligible New Zealand residents to sponsor their parents to stay in Australia for up to five years.

This was confirmed Friday by Assistant Minister for Immigration and Border Protection Alex Hawke in a media release.

“The (Malcolm) Turnbull Government recognises that many Australian migrant communities face particular pressures through the separation of children from parents and grandchildren from grandparents,” Hawke said.

“We want to help families reunite and spend time together, while ensuring that we do so in a way that does not burden Australia’s health care system.” he said.

“Improving arrangements for parents of Australians to spend time with their family in Australia, whilst mitigating costs to the Australian taxpayer, was a key objective of both major parties at the recent election. It is now important we get this balance right in the design of the temporary sponsored parent visa.”

The government now is seeking community submissions on a series of issues which will affect the final design of the temporary sponsored parent visa. A discussion paper containing the design issues under consideration was also released Friday.

“I encourage migrant communities to get involved in the consultation process and provide feedback to assist in the design of this visa,” Hawke said.

It is expected that this new visa type will be introduced in 2017.

The proposed changes would provide an option for parents that sits between a temporary visitor visa and permanent parent visa.

Currently, demand for places in the permanent parent stream far exceeds the number of places available, resulting in a queue of approximately 30 years for non-contributory parent visas and two years for contributory parent.

There are two visa categories available to parents of an Australian citizen, Australian permanent resident or eligible New Zealand citizen wishing to migrate to Australia: the non-contributory parent category and the contributory parent category.

The contributory parent category has more visa places available each Migration Program year. By applying for a visa in the contributory parent visa, parents have to make a substantially higher contribution to their future health and welfare costs.

A new Temporary Activity Visa Framework will commence on 19 November 2016, integrating the seven existing temporary activity visa subclasses into four.

Subclass 400 Temporary Work (Short Stay Specialist) visa

This visa would be for people who want to come to Australia on a temporary basis to:

  • undertake short-term, highly specialised, non-ongoing work
  • in limited circumstances, participate in an activity or work relating to Australia’s interests.

Subclass 403 Temporary Work (International Relations) visa

This visa would be for people who want to come to Australia on a temporary basis:

  • in relation to a bilateral agreement
  • to represent a foreign government or to teach a foreign language in an Australian school
  • to undertake full-time domestic work for a diplomat
  • as a person with statutory privileges and immunities
  • to participate in the Seasonal Worker Programme.

Subclass 407 Training visa

This visa would be for people who want to come to Australia on a temporary basis to undertake occupational training or participate in classroom based professional development activities.

Subclass 408 Temporary Activity visa

This visa would be for people who want to come to Australia on a temporary basis to:

  • work in the entertainment industry
  • participate in a non-ongoing cultural or social activities at the invitation of an Australian organisation
  • observe or participate as an academic in a research project
  • undertake full-time religious work
  • participate in a special programme to enhance international relations and cultural exchange
  • participate in high-level sports (including training)
  • work in a skilled position under a staff exchange arrangement
  • participate in an Australian government endorsed event
  • work as a superyacht crew member
  • undertake full-time domestic work in the household of certain senior foreign executives.

Five visa subclasses will cease from 19 November 2016: Subclass 401 Temporary Work (Long Stay Activity), Subclass 402 Training and Research, Subclass 416 Special Program, Subclass 420 Temporary Work (Entertainment), and Subclass 488 Superyacht Crew.

The framework will reduce red tape by removing sponsorship and nomination requirements for specific short stay activities.

Please note that applications lodged before 19 November 2016 will be processed under pre-19 November 2016 legislation. However, applications for visas made after 19 November cannot be linked to nominations approved prior to 19 November 2016.