190簽證 (ACT)州擔保項目介紹
ANZSCO | 職業 | Occupation | Status |
132111 | 企業服務管理 | Corporate Services Manager | Open |
134212 | 護理臨床主任 | Nursing Clinical Director | Open |
134213 | 初級衛生機構經理 | Primary Health Organisation Manager | Open |
134214 | 福利中心經理 | Welfare Centre Manager | Open |
212411 | 文案 | Copywriter | Open |
212412 | 報紙或期刊編輯 | Newspaper or Periodical Editor | Open |
212413 | 本刊記者 | Print Journalist | Open |
212415 | 技術作家 | Technical Writer | Open |
212416 | 電視記者 | Television Journalist | Open |
212499 | 記者和其他作家(NEC) | Journalist & other writers (nec) | Open |
225311 | 公共關係專業 | Public Relations Professional | Open |
232111 | 建築師 | Architect | Open |
232112 | 景觀設計師 | Landscape Architect | Open |
232411 | 平面設計師 | Graphic Designer | Open |
232412 | 插畫 | Illustrator | Open |
232414 | 網站設計者 | Web Designer | Open |
233211 | 土木工程師 | Civil Engineer | Open |
233212 | 岩土工程師 | Geotechnical Engineer | Open |
233213 | 工料測量師 | Quantity Surveyor | Open |
233214 | 結構工程師 | Structural Engineer | Open |
233215 | 交通運輸工程師 | Transport Engineer | Open |
233311 | 電氣工程師 | Electrical Engineer | Open |
233411 | 電子工程師 | Electronics Engineer | Open |
233511 | 工業工程師 | Industrial Engineer | Open |
233512 | 機械工程師 | Mechanical Engineer | Open |
241111 | 幼兒教育(學前教育)教師 | Early Childhood (Pre-Primary School) Teacher | Open |
251211 | 醫療診斷放射技師 | Medical Diagnostic Radiographer | Open |
251212 | 醫療放射治療師 | Medical Radiation Therapist | Open |
251213 | 核醫學技師 | Nuclear Medicine Technologist | Open |
251214 | 超聲醫師 | Sonographer | Open |
251411 | 驗光師 | Optometrist | Open |
251412 | Orthopist | Orthopist | Open |
251513 | 零售藥劑師 | Retail Pharmacist | Open |
252411 | 職業治療師 | Occupational Therapist | Open |
252511 | 物理治療師 | Physiotherapist | Open |
252711 | 聽覺病矯治專家 | Audiologist | Open |
252712 | 語言病理學家 | Speech Pathologist | Open |
253111 | 全科醫生 | General Practitioner | Open |
253112 | 駐院醫生 | Resident Medical Officer | Open |
254311 | 護士經理 | Nurse Manager | Open |
254411 | 護士執業 | Nurse Practitioner | Open |
254412 | 註冊護士(老年護理) | Registered Nurse (Aged Care) | Open |
254413 | 註冊護士(兒童與家庭健康) | Registered Nurse (Child & Family Health) | Open |
254414 | 註冊護士(社區衛生) | Registered Nurse (Community Health) | Open |
254415 | 註冊護士(重症監護和緊急) | Registered Nurse (Critical Care & Emergency) | Open |
254416 | 註冊護士(發育障礙) | Registered Nurse (Developmental Disability) | Open |
254417 | 註冊護士(殘疾及康復) | Registered Nurse (Disability & Rehabilitation) | Open |
254418 | 註冊護士(醫療) | Registered Nurse (Medical) | Open |
254421 | 註冊護士(醫療實踐) | Registered Nurse (Medical Practice) | Open |
254422 | 註冊護士(心理健康) | Registered Nurse (Mental Health) | Open |
254423 | 註冊護士(圍手術期) | Registered Nurse (Perioperative) | Open |
254424 | 註冊護士(手術) | Registered Nurse (Surgical) | Open |
254425 | 註冊護士(兒科) | Registered Nurse (Paediatrics) | Open |
254499 | 註冊護士(NEC) | Registered Nurses (nec) | Open |
271311 | 律師 | Solicitor | Open |
272111 | 職業顧問 | Careers Counsellor | Open |
272112 | 毒品和酒精參贊 | Drug & Alcohol Counsellor | Open |
272113 | 家庭與婚姻顧問 | Family & Marriage Counsellor | Open |
272114 | 康復顧問 | Rehabilitation Counsellor | Open |
272115 | 學生顧問 | Student Counsellor | Open |
272199 | 輔導員(NEC) | Counsellors (nec) | Open |
272311 | 臨床心理學家 | Clinical Psychologist | Open |
272312 | 教育心理學家 | Educational Psychologist | Open |
272313 | 組織心理學家 | Organisational Psychologist | Open |
272399 | 心理學家(NEC) | Psychologists (nec) | Open |
272499 | 社會專家(NEC) | Social Professionals (nec) | Open |
272511 | 社會工作者 | Social Worker | Open |
272612 | 娛樂官 | Recreation Officer | Open |
272613 | 福利工作員 | Welfare Worker | Open |
321211 | 汽車修理工(一般) | Motor Mechanic (General) | Open |
321212 | 柴油汽車修理工 | Diesel Motor Mechanic | Open |
321213 | 摩托車技工 | Motorcycle Mechanic | Open |
321214 | 小型發動機機械師 | Small Engine Mechanic | Open |
351311 | 廚師 | Chef | Open |
391111 | 美髮師 | Hairdresser | Open |
190簽證 (ACT)州擔保申請條件
- 人在澳洲境內的,申請州擔保前必須在堪培拉居住了至少3-12個月(具體的居住時間要求,請看本文州擔保要求中「在堪培拉居住的申請人」這部分內容),並且配偶和子女沒在其他州或領地居住。有雅思4個6的等同成績單。
- 可以申請本州列表裡open的職業。
- 可以申請DIBP移民局適用於技術移民的combined的大職業列表MLTSSL和STSOL。
- 可以本州列表裡Closed的職業,前提是你正在堪培拉做技能職業的工作(ANZSCO規定技能等級為1-4的職業屬於技能的職業),可以與closed的提名職業不想關的工作。
- 人在澳洲境外,近12個月沒有去過澳洲其他州或領地。有雅思3個6, 1個7(說),總分7的等同成績。
- 可以申請本州列表裡open的職業。
- 可以本州列表裡Closed的職業,如果你滿足(b.1)或(b.2)
- (b.1) 有提名職業的真實的ACT僱主offer
- (b.2) 你的配偶,你或者配偶的(繼)父母,(同母異父/同父異母)的兄弟姐妹,(外)祖父母滿足以下條件:
- 在堪培拉居住近12個月
- 是澳洲PR或者公民
- 年齡在18週歲以上
190簽證 (ACT)州擔保的要求
首先,所有申請190簽證 (ACT)州擔保的申請人需要滿足的條件:
- 滿足DIBP 190簽證申請條件
- EOI中選擇ACT為首選目的地
- 同意在堪培拉居住2年
在滿足190簽證 (ACT)州擔保要求之前,必須已經在ACT居住。如果你或者你的直系親屬目前居住在其他州或者領地,你不滿足190簽證 (ACT)州擔保要求。
2- 臨時簽證持有人
(1)如果你目前持有訪問簽證,並且最近兩年沒有在其他州或領地居住過,有提名職業的真實的ACT僱主offer,目前正在堪培拉居住,沒有居住時間 要求。
註:job offer要使用僱主名頭紙,寫明僱主ABN號碼,僱主單位名稱,地址,聯繫信息,你的職位及職責,僱傭期限,每週工作小時數,年薪或時薪,其他福利待遇,工作場所。
- 在ACT CROCIS認可的教育機構完成了至少兩個學期(40周)的學習,並且
- 在ACT從事技能工作,ANZSCO規定技能等級為1-4的職業屬於技能的職業。不要求必須從事提名職業,全職或兼職都可以,提供最近2個當前的工資單。
- 在ACT CRICOS認可的教育機構完成了至少兩個學期(40周)的學習,在ACT正在全職做技能工作(ANZSCO規定技能等級為1-4的職業),有8105條款的學生簽證持有人每週工作20小時就滿足全職標準。或者,
- 申請州擔保之前,正在ACT從事提名職業的全職工作至少6個月,有8105條款的學生簽證持有人每週工作20小時就滿足全職標準。
190簽證 (ACT)州擔保審理週期
ACT 190州擔保申請費
- 州擔保職業列表(適合所有申請人的職業列表2017年7月11日更新)
- 特殊情況適用職業(州擔保職業列表中備註Special Conditions Apply的職業,滿足特殊條件可以申請)
- 補充職業列表(包含所有不在州擔保職業列表上,但是屬於Combined的職業,滿足特殊條件可以申請)
- 對SA的承諾:同意在南澳居住和工作至少兩年/489簽證需要居住在偏遠地區
- 年齡:不超過45週歲
- 職業:提名職業在州擔保職業列表。列表中備註需求度高、中、低的職業可以申請,想要申請備註特殊情況適用(Special Conditions Apply)的職業需要滿足特殊條件。
- 如果SA州擔保職業列表上對某個職業有額外的工作經驗的要求,比如:與提名職業相關的2年或3年的工作經驗,這個工作經驗必須在獲得相關學歷之後。此外,還要提供與提名職業相關的學歷成績單。註:滿足以下任何一項特殊條件,可以申請州擔保職業列表中特殊情況適用的職業和補充職業列表上的職業(補充職業列表包含所有不在州擔保職業列表,但是屬於MLTSSL+STSOL的職業)。
- 是南澳畢業生
- 當前在SA做技能工作(技能職業是指ANSCO中技能等級為1-4的職業)
- 有直系親屬在SA居住
- EOI達到85分
- 職業評估:通過相關機構的職業評估
- 工作經驗:近3年至少有12個月的技能工作經驗,有些職業可能需要更多的工作經驗。
- 工作經驗應該是完成相關學歷後獲得的,每週至少20小時的帶薪工作,不要求是提名職業工作經驗。除非提名職業在州擔保職業列表中註明需要更多工作經驗,則必須為提名職業的工作經驗。南澳國際畢業生可以豁免工作經驗的要求。
- 如果你是海外申請人,通過澳洲工作經驗滿足州擔保條件,必須有6個月以上南澳工作經驗。
- 如果你是境內申請人,通過澳洲工作經驗滿足州擔保條件,必須有6個月以上南澳工作經驗,而且當前在南澳從事技能工作。
- 英語要求:滿足職業列表裡每個職業規定的最低英語要求(1)美國、英國、愛爾蘭、加拿大或紐西蘭公民無需提供英語成績(2)南澳健康和教育專業註冊的執業人員只需等同於雅思4個6的成績
- 向DIBP遞交EOI,選擇南澳作為提名/擔保的州。
- 州擔保申請批准後,你會收到遞交簽證申請的邀請,請在收到邀請的60天之內向DIBP遞交簽證申請。
- 190或489技術移民簽證批准後,在南澳官網上註冊,通知南澳你已到達南澳。在到達南澳的頭兩年內,完成僱傭情況的調查表。(這個表,南澳會通過email發給你)
SA 2017年南澳洲政府擔保職業清單
職業代碼 | 提名職業 | Occupation | 需求度 | 額外要求 | 評估機構 |
12 | 農民和農場經理 | Farmers and Farm Managers | |||
121213 | 水果或堅果種植者 | Fruit or Nut Grower | Available | Competent Plus English (or Proficientoverall); Provisional 489 visa only | VETASSESS |
121214 | 穀物,油籽或牧場種植者(AUS)/大田作物種植者(NZ) | Grain, Oilseed or Pasture Grower (Aus) /Field Crop Grower (NZ) | Available | Competent Plus English (or Proficientoverall); Provisional 489 visa only | VETASSESS |
121215 | 葡萄種植者 | Grape Grower | Available | Competent Plus English (or Proficientoverall); Provisional 489 visa only;Opportunities stronger in wine regionsfurther from Adelaide (i.e. beyondAdelaide Hills, McLaren Vale, BarossaValley) | |
121221 | 菜農(澳大利亞)/ MarketGardener(NZ) | Vegetable Grower (Aus) / MarketGardener (NZ) | Available | Competent Plus English (or Proficientoverall); Provisional 489 visa only | |
121312 | 肉牛農民 | Beef Cattle Farmer | Available | Competent Plus English (or Proficientoverall); Provisional 489 visa only | |
121317 | 混合畜牧業農民 | Mixed Livestock Farmer | Available | Competent Plus English (or Proficientoverall); Provisional 489 visa only | |
121321 | 家禽飼養 | Poultry Farmer | Available | Competent Plus English (or Proficientoverall); Provisional 489 visa only | |
121322 | 羊農民 | Sheep Farmer | Available | Competent Plus English (or Proficientoverall); Provisional 489 visa only | |
121411 | 混合作物和牲畜的農民 | Mixed Crop and Livestock Farmer | Available | Competent Plus English (or Proficientoverall); Provisional 489 visa only | |
13 | 專家經理 | Specialist Managers | |||
131112 | 銷售和營銷經理 | Sales and Marketing Manager | Available | Proficient English (or Proficient Plusoverall); Offshore applicants Provisional489 visa only | AIM |
131113 | 宣傳經理 | Advertising Manager | Available | Proficient English (or Proficient Plusoverall); Offshore applicants Provisional489 visa only | AIM |
132211 | 財務經理 | Finance Manager | Available | Proficient English (or Proficient Plusoverall); 3 years work experience in field;South Australian graduates must becurrently working in their field in SouthAustralia for the last 12 months | CPA / CA / IPA |
133411 | 生產廠家 | Manufacturer | Available | Proficient English (or Proficient Plusoverall) | VETASSESS |
133512 | 生產經理(製造業) | Production Manager (Manufacturing) | Available | Proficient English (or Proficient Plusoverall); Offshore applicants Provisional489 visa only; Research opportunities foryour particular specialisation | VETASSESS |
133611 | 供應及分銷經理 | Supply and Distribution Manager | Available | Proficient English (or Proficient Plusoverall) | AIM |
134212 | 護理臨床主任 | Nursing Clinical Director | Available | Proficient English (or Proficient Plusoverall) | ANMAC |
134214 | 福利中心經理 | Welfare Centre Manager | Available | Proficient English (or Proficient Plusoverall) | ACWA |
134299 | 衛生和福利服務Managersnec | Health and Welfare Services Managersnec | Available | Proficient English (or Proficient Plusoverall) | VETASSESS |
135112 | ICT項目經理 | ICT Project Manager | Available | Proficient English (or Proficient Plusoverall); Offshore applicants Provisional489 visa only; 70 points required; Seeadditional instructions | ACS |
135199 | ICT經理NEC | ICT Managers nec | Available | Proficient English (or Proficient Plusoverall); Offshore applicants Provisional489 visa only; 70 points required; Seeadditional instructions | ACS |
139911 | 藝術管理員或經理 | Art Administrator or Manager | Available | Proficient English (or Proficient Plusoverall) | VETASSESS |
139913 | 實驗室經理 | Laboratory Manager | Available | Proficient English (or Proficient Plusoverall) | VETASSESS |
139914 | 質量保證經理 | Quality Assurance Manager | Available | Proficient English (or Proficient Plusoverall) | VETASSESS |
139999 | 專家經理NEC | Specialist Managers nec | Available | Proficient English (or Proficient Plusoverall); Research opportunities for yourparticular specialisation; ExceptAmbassador, Archbishop and Bishop | VETASSESS |
14 | 酒店,零售及服務管理 | Hospitality, Retail & Service Managers | |||
141111 | 咖啡館或餐廳經理 | Cafe or Restaurant Manager | Available | Competent Plus English (or Proficientoverall); Provisional 489 visa only | VETASSESS |
141999 | 住宿和HospitalityManagers NEC | Accommodation and HospitalityManagers nec | Available | Competent Plus English (or Proficientoverall); Provisional 489 visa only | VETASSESS |
149212 | 客戶服務經理 | Customer Service Manager | Available | Proficient English (or Proficient Plusoverall); Provisional 489 visa only | VETASSESS |
149913 | 設備經理 | Facilities Manager | Available | Competent Plus English (or Proficientoverall) | VETASSESS |
22 | 商務,人力資源和市場營銷專業人員 | Business, Human Resource & Marketing Professionals | |||
223211 | ICT培訓師 | ICT Trainer | Available | Proficient English (or Proficient Plus overall); Offshore applicants Provisional 489 visa only; 70 points required; See additional instructions | ACS |
224213 | 衛生信息管理 | Health Information Manager | Available | Competent Plus English (or Proficient overall); Offshore applicants Provisional 489 visa only | VETASSESS |
224214 | 記錄管理 | Records Manager | Available | Competent Plus English (or Proficient overall); Offshore applicants Provisional 489 visa only | VETASSESS |
224711 | 管理顧問 | Management Consultant | Available | Proficient English (or Proficient Plus overall); Offshore applicants Provisional 489 visa only | VETASSESS |
224712 | 組織和方法分析 | Organisation and Methods Analyst | Low Availability | Proficient English (or Proficient Plus overall); Offshore applicants Provisional 489 visa only | VETASSESS |
23 | 設計,工程,科學和運輸專業人員 | Design, Engineering, Science & Transport Professionals | |||
232214 | 其他空間科學家 | Other Spatial Scientist | Available | Competent English | VETASSESS |
232311 | 時裝設計師 | Fashion Designer | Available | Competent English; Offshore applicants Provisional 489 visa only; Preparedness to self-employ | VETASSESS |
232312 | 工業設計師 | Industrial Designer | Available | ompetent English; Offshore applicants Provisional 489 visa only; Preparedness to self-employ | VETASSESS |
234111 | 農業顧問 | Agricultural Consultant | Available | Competent Plus English (or Proficient overall); Offshore applicants Provisional 489 visa only | VETASSESS |
234112 | 農業科學家 | Agricultural Scientist | Available | Competent Plus English (or Proficient overall); Offshore applicants Provisional 489 visa only | VETASSESS |
234213 | 葡萄酒製造商 | Wine Maker | Available | Competent English; Provisional 489 visa only; Opportunities stronger in wine regions further from Adelaide (i.e. beyond Adelaide Hills, McLaren Vale, Barossa Valley) | VETASSESS |
24 | 教育專家 | Education Professionals | |||
241111 | 幼兒教育(學前教育) 老師 | Early Childhood (Pre-Primary School) Teacher | Available | Proficient English (or Proficient Plus overall) | AITSL |
241511 | 特別需要教師 | Special Needs Teacher | Available | Proficient English (or Proficient Plus overall) | AITSL |
25 | 衛生專業人員 | Health Professionals | |||
251214 | 超聲醫師 | Sonographer | Available | Proficient English (or Proficient Plus overall) | ASMIRT |
252111 | 按摩師 | Chiropractor | Available | Proficient English (or Proficient Plus overall) | CCEA |
252411 | 職業治療師 | Occupational therapist | Available | Proficient English (or Proficient Plus overall); 3 years work experience in field | OTC |
252611 | 足科醫生 | Podiatrist | Available | Proficient English (or Proficient Plus overall); 3 years work experience in field | APodC/ANZPAC |
252711 | 聽覺病矯治專家 | Audiologist | Available | Proficient English (or Proficient Plus overall); 3 years work experience in field | VETASSESS |
252712 | 語言病理學家 | Speech Pathologist | Available | Proficient English (or Proficient Plus overall); 3 years work experience in field | SPA |
253914 | 眼科醫生 | Ophthalmologist | Available | Proficient English (or Proficient Plus overall) | MBA |
253917 | 診斷與介入放射醫師 | Diagnostic and Interventional Radiologist | Available | Proficient English (or Proficient Plus overall) | MBA |
254111 | 助產士 | Midwife | Available | Proficient English (or Proficient Plus overall) | ANMAC |
254412 | 註冊護士(老年護理) | Registered Nurse (Aged Care) | Available | Proficient English (or Proficient Plus overall); 5 years work experience in field | ANMAC |
254413 | 註冊護士(兒童和家庭健康) | Registered Nurse (Child And Family Health) | Available | Proficient English (or Proficient Plus overall); 5 years work experience in field | ANMAC |
254414 | 註冊護士(社區衛生) | Registered Nurse (Community Health) | Available | Proficient English (or Proficient Plus overall); 5 years work experience in field | ANMAC |
254415 | 註冊護士(重症監護和急診) | Registered Nurse (Critical Care And Emergency) | Available | Proficient English (or Proficient Plus overall); 5 years work experience in field | ANMAC |
254416 | 註冊護士(發展殘疾) | Registered Nurse (Development Disability) | Available | Proficient English (or Proficient Plus overall); 5 years work experience in field | ANMAC |
254417 | 註冊護士(殘疾和康復) | Registered Nurse (Disability And Rehabilitation) | Available | Proficient English (or Proficient Plus overall); 5 years work experience in field | ANMAC |
254418 | 註冊護士(醫療) | Registered Nurse (Medical) | Available | Proficient English (or Proficient Plus overall); 5 years work experience in field | ANMAC |
254421 | 註冊護士(醫療實踐) | Registered Nurse (Medical Practice) | Available | Proficient English (or Proficient Plus overall); 5 years work experience in field | ANMAC |
254422 | 註冊護士(心理健康) | Registered Nurse (Mental Health) | Available | Proficient English (or Proficient Plus overall); 5 years work experience in field | ANMAC |
254423 | 註冊護士(圍手術期) | Registered Nurse (Perioperative) | Available | Proficient English (or Proficient Plus overall); 5 years work experience in field | ANMAC |
254424 | 註冊護士(手術) | Registered Nurse (Surgical) | Available | Proficient English (or Proficient Plus overall); 5 years work experience in field | ANMAC |
254425 | 註冊護士(兒科) | Registered Nurse (Paediatric) | Available | Proficient English (or Proficient Plus overall); 5 years work experience in field | ANMAC |
254499 | 註冊護士NEC | Registered Nurse nec | Available | Proficient English (or Proficient Plus overall); 5 years work experience in field | ANMAC |
26 | ICT專業人士 | ICT Professionals | |||
261111 | ICT業務分析師 | ICT Business Analyst | Special Conditions Apply | Proficient English (or Proficient Plus overall); Offshore applicants Provisional 489 visa only; 70 points required; See additional instructions | ACS |
261112 | 系統分析 | Systems Analyst | Available | Proficient English (or Proficient Plus overall); Offshore applicants Provisional 489 visa only; 70 points required; See additional instructions | ACS |
261212 | Web開發人員 | Web Developer | Available | Proficient English (or Proficient Plus overall); Offshore applicants Provisional 489 visa only; 70 points required; See additional instructions | ACS |
261311 | 分析程序員 | Analyst Programmer | Available | Proficient English (or Proficient Plus overall); Offshore applicants Provisional 489 visa only; 70 points required; See additional instructions | ACS |
261312 | 開發程序員 | Developer Programmer | Available | Proficient English (or Proficient Plus overall); Offshore applicants Provisional 489 visa only; 70 points required; See additional instructions | ACS |
261313 | 軟體工程師 | Software Engineer | Available | Proficient English (or Proficient Plus overall); Offshore applicants Provisional 489 visa only; 70 points required; See additional instructions | ACS |
261314 | 軟體測試員 | Software Tester | Available | Proficient English (or Proficient Plus overall); Offshore applicants Provisional 489 visa only; 70 points required; See additional instructions | ACS |
262111 | 數據庫管理員 | Database Administrator | Available | Proficient English (or Proficient Plus overall); Offshore applicants Provisional 489 visa only; 70 points required; See additional instructions | ACS |
262112 | ICT安全專家 | ICT Security Specialist | Available | Proficient English (or Proficient Plus overall); Offshore applicants Provisional 489 visa only; 70 points required; See additional instructions | ACS |
262113 | 系統管理員 | Systems Administrator | Available | Proficient English (or Proficient Plus overall); Offshore applicants Provisional 489 visa only; 70 points required; See additional instructions | ACS |
263111 | 計算機網路和系統工程師 | Computer Network and Systems Engineer | Low Availability | Proficient English (or Proficient Plus overall); Offshore applicants Provisional 489 visa only; 70 points required; See additional instructions | ACS |
263112 | 網路管理員 | Network Administrator | Available | Proficient English (or Proficient Plus overall); Offshore applicants Provisional 489 visa only; 70 points required; See additional instructions | ACS |
263113 | 網路分析 | Network Analyst | Available | Proficient English (or Proficient Plus overall); Offshore applicants Provisional 489 visa only; 70 points required; See additional instructions | ACS |
263211 | ICT質量保證工程師 | ICT Quality Assurance Engineer | Available | Proficient English (or Proficient Plus overall); Offshore applicants Provisional 489 visa only; 70 points required; See additional instructions | ACS |
263212 | ICT技術支持工程師 | ICT Support Engineer | Available | Proficient English (or Proficient Plus overall); Offshore applicants Provisional 489 visa only; 70 points required; See additional instructions | ACS |
263213 | ICT系統測試工程師 | ICT Systems Test Engineer | Available | Proficient English (or Proficient Plus overall); Offshore applicants Provisional 489 visa only; 70 points required; See additional instructions | ACS |
263299 | ICT技術支持和測試工程師NEC | ICT Support and Test Engineers nec | Available | Proficient English (or Proficient Plus overall); Offshore applicants Provisional 489 visa only; 70 points required; See additional instructions | ACS |
27 | 法律,社會福利專業人員 | Legal, Social & Welfare Professionals | |||
272412 | 翻譯員 | Interpreter | Available | Competent English; Offshore applicants Provisional 489 visa only; Must have NAATI accreditation at mimimum level of 'Professional Interpreter'; Research opportunities for your language specialisation | NAATI |
272499 | 社會專業人員NEC | Social Professionals nec | Available | Competent Plus English (or Proficient overall); Offshore applicants Provisional 489 visa only; Research opportunities for your particular specialisation | VETASSESS |
272511 | 社會工作者 | Social Worker | Available | Competent English; 2 years work experience in field | AASW |
272612 | 娛樂官 | Recreation Officer | Available | Competent English; Offshore applicants Provisional 489 visa only | VETASSESS |
272613 | 福利工作員 | Welfare Worker | Available | Competent Plus English (or Proficient overall); Provisional 489 visa only; 2 years work experience in field; South Australian graduates must be currently working in their field in South Australia for the last 12 months | ACWA |
31 | 工程,ICT與科學技術人員 | Engineering, ICT & Science Technicians | |||
311111 | 農業技術員 | Agricultural Technician | Available | Competent English; Provisional 489 visa only | VETASSESS |
312211 | 土木工程製圖員 | Civil Engineering Draftsperson | Available | Competent English; Offshore applicants Provisional 489 visa only | Engineers Australia / VETASSESS |
312212 | 土木工程技術員 | Civil Engineering Technician | Available | Competent English; Offshore applicants Provisional 489 visa only | VETASSESS |
312912 | 冶金或材料的技術員 | Metallurgical or Materials Technician | Available | Competent English | VETASSESS |
313111 | 硬體技術 | Hardware Technician | Available | Competent Plus English (or Proficient overall); Offshore applicants Provisional 489 visa only | TRA |
313112 | ICT客戶支持總監 | ICT Customer Support Officer | Available | Competent Plus English (or Proficient overall); Offshore applicants Provisional 489 visa only | TRA |
313113 | 網路管理員 | Web Administrator | Available | Competent Plus English (or Proficient overall); Offshore applicants Provisional 489 visa only; 70 points required; See additional instructions | ACS |
32 | 汽車及工程業職工 | Automotive & Engineering Trades Workers | |||
321111 | 汽車電工 | Automotive Electrician | Available | Competent English | TRA |
321211 | 汽車修理工(一般) | Motor Mechanic (General) | Available | Competent English ; Provisional 489 visa only | TRA |
321212 | 柴油汽車修理工 | Diesel Motor Mechanic | Available | Competent English ; Provisional 489 visa only | TRA |
321213 | 摩托車技工 | Motorcycle Mechanic | Available | Competent English ; Provisional 489 visa only | TRA |
321214 | 小型發動機機械師 | Small Engine Mechanic | Available | Competent English; Provisional 489 visa only | TRA |
322211 | 鈑金交易員 | Sheetmetal Trades Worker | Available | Competent English | TRA |
323211 | 鉗工(一般) | Fitter (General) | Available | Competent English | TRA |
323212 | 鉗工和特納 | Fitter and Turner | Available | Competent English | TRA |
323214 | 金屬機械師(一級) | Metal Machinist (First Class) | Available | Competent English | TRA |
323299 | 金屬鉗工和機械師NEC | Metal Fitters and Machinists nec | Available | Competent English | TRA |
323313 | 鎖匠 | Locksmith | Available | Competent English | TRA |
324111 | Panelbeater | Panelbeater | Available | Competent English | TRA |
33 | 建造業職工 | Construction Trades Workers | |||
331111 | 瓦工 | Bricklayer | Available | Competent English | TRA |
331112 | 石匠 | Stonemason | Available | Competent English | TRA |
331211 | 卡彭特和喬伊納 | Carpenter and Joiner | Available | Competent English | |
331212 | 木匠 | Carpenter | Available | Competent English | |
331213 | 細木工 | Joiner | Available | Competent English | |
332211 | 塗裝業職工 | Painting Trades Workers | Available | Competent English | |
333311 | 瓦工 | Roof Tiler | Available | Competent English | |
34 | 電工及電訊業職工 | Electrotechnology & Telecommunications Trades Workers | |||
341111 | 電工(一般) | Electrician (General) | Available | Competent English | TRA |
342111 | 空調及製冷技工 | Airconditioning and Refrigeration Mechanic | Available | Competent English | TRA |
342311 | 商業機器技工 | Business Machine Mechanic | Available | Competent English | TRA |
342313 | 電子設備交易員 | Electronic Equipment Trades Worker | Available | Competent English | TRA |
342411 | 成纜機(數據和電信) | Cabler (Data and Telecommunications) | Available | Competent English | |
35 | 食品業職工 | Food Trades Workers | |||
351111 | 麵包師傅 | Baker | Available | Competent English; Provisional 489 visa only; 2 years work experience in field | TRA |
351112 | 煮餑餑 | Pastry Cook | Available | Competent English; Provisional 489 visa only; 2 years work experience in field | TRA |
351311 | 廚師 | Chef | Available | Competent English; Offshore applicants Provisional 489 visa only; 2 years work experience in field | TRA |
351411 | 廚師 | Cook | Available | Competent English; Provisional 489 visa only | TRA |
36 | 熟練的動物及園藝工人 | Skilled Animal & Horticultural Workers | |||
361311 | 獸醫護士 | Veterinary Nurse | Available | Competent English ; Provisional 489 visa only | VETASSESS |
362211 | 園丁(一般) | Gardener (General) | Available | Competent English; Offshore applicants Provisional 489 visa only | TRA |
362212 | 樹藝師 | Arborist | Available | Competent English | TRA |
362213 | 景觀綠化 | Landscape Gardener | Available | Competent English; Offshore applicants Provisional 489 visa only | TRA |
39 | 其他技術人員和業職工 | Other Technicians & Trades Workers | |||
393213 | 裁縫或裁縫 | Dressmaker or Tailor | Available | Competent English; Offshore applicants Provisional 489 visa only; Preparedness to self-employ | TRA |
394111 | 櫥櫃製造商 | Cabinetmaker | Available | Competent English | TRA |
394213 | 木機械師 | Wood Machinist | Available | Competent English | TRA |
41 | 保健福利支持工人 | Health & Welfare Support Workers | |||
411311 | Diversional治療師 | Diversional Therapist | Available | Competent English | VETASSESS |
411411 | 登記護士 | Enrolled Nurse | Available | Proficient English (or Proficient Plus overall); Provisional 489 visa only | ANMAC |
411711 | 社區工作者 | Community Worker | Available | Competent Plus English (or Proficient overall); Provisional 489 visa only; 2 years work experience in field; South Australian graduates must be currently working in their field in South Australia for the last 12 months | ACWA |
411712 | 殘疾人服務主任 | Disabilities Services Officer | Available | Competent English; Provisional 489 visa only | VETASSESS |
411713 | 家庭支持工人 | Family Support Worker | Available | Competent English; Provisional 489 visa only | VETASSESS |
411715 | 住宅護理員 | Residential Care Officer | Available | Competent English; Provisional 489 visa only | VETASSESS |
411716 | 青年工作者 | Youth Worker | Available | Competent English; Provisional 489 visa only | ACWA |
51 | 辦公室經理及項目 管理員 | Office Managers & Program Administrators | |||
511111 | 合同管理員 | Contract Administrator | Available | Competent Plus English (or Proficient overall); Offshore applicants Provisional 489 visa only | VETASSESS |
511112 | 計劃或項目管理員 | Program or Project Administrator | Available | Competent Plus English (or Proficient overall); Offshore applicants Provisional 489 visa only | VETASSESS |
190 簽證既可以在澳洲境內申請也可以在澳洲境外申請。它是之前176簽證和886簽證合併後的簽證類型。申請成功後是一步到位的永居簽證,與189相比,190需要有州擔保,移民成功後需要到擔保的州居住2年以後才可以去其他地區定居(有居住限制)。
SOL上的職業 無論是 SOL 還是 CSOL 上的職業都可以申請州擔保,190州擔保可以給申請人加5分,按照評分標準如果申請人可以達到55分,就有機會申請190州擔保技術移民申請。
- 需要獲得EOI邀請(be invited to apply);
- 年齡小於50歲;
- 職業屬於SOL 1或SOL 2,並且通過職業評估;
- 雅思最少4個6;
- 有州政府擔保;
- 評分達到至少55分,獲得州擔保5分後達到60分;
- 符合身體和品質要求;