
Parent Visas are permanent visas available to applicants who are parents of a child who is a settled Australian citizen, permanent resident or eligible New Zealand citizen.

They must also satisfy the requirements outlined in the Migration Regulations 1994 under the Schedule 1 and 2 criteria, such as ‘balance of family test’, the “aged” requirements (if relevant) as well as the health and character requirements.

Balance of family test

The balance-of-family test measures your ties to Australia. You meet this requirement if either:

  • at least half of your children live permanently in Australia
  • more of your children live permanently in Australia than in any other country.

You must meet this requirement to be granted this visa. It cannot be waived, even in compelling or exceptional circumstances.

The table below gives some examples of families with different numbers of children and whether they would pass the balance-of-family test.

Parent visas subclasses:

 103 - Parent
 143 - Contributory Parent
 173 - Contributory Parent (Temporary)
 804 - Aged Parent
 864 - Contributory Aged Parent
 884 - Contributory Aged Parent (Temporary)

All parent visas and contributory parent visas must be applied for offshore, the exceptions being, the “Aged” parent visa, “Aged Contributory” Parent and the Permanent Contributory parent visa where the applicant is onshore and holds a corresponding temporary contributory parent visa.

Balance of family test calculator

Subclass 804 (Aged Parent visa)

This permanent visa lets an aged parent of a settled Australian citizen, Australian permanent resident or eligible New Zealand citizen stay in Australia.

  • Permanent Visa
  • This visa is for “aged” applicants, that is, over the set retirement age for Australians for example if you were born from 1 January 1957 onwards, then the eligible age will be 67 as of today (8th July 2022).
  • This visa must be lodged while the applicant is in Australia and can be granted while they are in Australia
  • The applicant is entitled to a bridging visa onshore as the processing times for this visa can extend for a considerable number of years. Medicare will not be available until the grant of the visa.
  • Lengthy processing time (currently 25-30 yrs)

Subclass 143 (Contributory Parent Visa – Offshore)

This permanent visa lets an aged parent of a settled Australian citizen, Australian permanent resident or eligible New Zealand citizen stay in Australia.

  • Permanent Visa
  • The applicant may be either inside or outside Australia at the time of application
  • Age criteria is not applicable
  • Must be offshore at the time of grant (Unless COVID Concessions apply!)
  • Applicants who hold a Contributory (Temporary) subclass 173 may be inside or outside Australia at the time
    of lodgement (bridging visa eligibility for sc173 visa holders)
  • No Medicare until the visa is in hand (unless sc173 visa holder, or reciprocal arrangements)
  • Higher visa application charge

Subclass 173 (Contributory Parent Temporary Visa – Offshore)

  • Transitional to Subclass 143
  • Temporary Visa for 2 years (must apply for sc143 within 2 years of holding sc173)
  • Allows for VAC1 & VAC2 to be paid over a number of years leading to the eventual grant of the permanent
    sc143 visa
  • The applicant may be either inside or outside Australia at time of application.
  • No associated bridging visa
  • Age criteria are not applicable
  • Must be outside Australia at the time of grant. (Unless COVID Concessions apply!)
  • Current processing times are about 48 months

Subclass 864 (Contributory Aged Parent visa – Onshore)

  • Permanent
  • The applicant must be in Australia and must be 「aged」 according to the pension age requirement under
    Australian social security law.
  • The applicant would be eligible for a bridging visa during the processing period but would not be eligible for
    Medicare until visa grant.
  • Members of the family unit who are making combined applications with the primary applicant will be granted
    the visa provided the main applicant and secondary applicants meet all relevant criteria.
  • Regulation 2.08AA states that a 「contributory parent newborn child」 who holds a subclass 884 visa, and
    whose parent has applied for a subclass 864 and is waiting for it to be determined is deemed to have made a
    combined application for the permanent visa
  • Higher Visa Application Charge