Author Archive for: First Migration Service
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Entries by First Migration Service
2017年澳洲移民局废除457签证! 未来的雇主担保的申请人该何去何从
19/04/2017 by First Migration Service澳洲伴侣签证审理时间可能又会延长!申请要趁早
17/04/2017 by First Migration Service澳洲雇主担保签证分析
07/04/2017 by First Migration Service澳洲技术移民2017年热门专业及独立技术移民条件盘点
01/04/2017 by First Migration ServiceNAATI最新改革方案公布了,难度加大!
19/03/2017 by First Migration Service澳洲移民局终于开放网上查询签证和公民申请的审理时间
澳洲的签证的实际审理时间数据即将开放让所有的签证和公民申请者查询,澳洲移民局公布此项网上查询服务已经启用。 有任何澳洲签证问题,可以随时联系我们。 可以透过Line联系我们。 移民局终于盼到各位签证申请者在未知的等候时间里感受的煎熬来提供便民的网上查询签证审理时间服务。此项服务将取代目前现有的签证标准审理时间的资料。 目前签证的审理时间只能根据移民局网站上的 service standard,此时间往往跟实际的审理时间不准确: 澳洲签证审理时间 资料更新于: 14 March 2017 (取自移民局网上资料) 签证Subclass 签证 75%的申请在以下天数审理完成 90%的申请在以下天数审理完成 400 Temporary Work (Short Stay Activity) (Short Stay Specialist) 9 days 16 days 403 Temporary Work (International Relations) (Government Agreement) 32 days 43 days 403 Temporary Work (International Relations) (Foreign Government Agency) 28 days 43 days 403 Temporary […]
DIBP (Australia) Global visa and citizenship processing times
In an unprecedented move, the Department of Immigration has announced that the processing times for global visa and citizenship is now available online. In a new move towards greater transparency, the Department of Immigration is all set to publish the processing times of global visa and citizenship applications online. In a statement released by the Department, they […]