項目 First Migration Service


澳洲的簽證的實際審理時間數據即將開放讓所有的簽證和公民申請者查詢,澳洲移民局公佈此項網上查詢服務已經啟用。 有任何澳洲簽證問題,可以隨時聯繫我們。 可以透過Line聯繫我們。 移民局終於盼到各位簽證申請者在未知的等候時間裡感受的煎熬來提供便民的網上查詢簽證審理時間服務。此項服務將取代目前現有的簽證標準審理時間的資料。 目前簽證的審理時間只能根據移民局網站上的 service standard,此時間往往跟實際的審理時間不準確: 澳洲簽證審理時間 資料更新於: 14 March 2017 (取自移民局網上資料) 簽證Subclass 簽證 75%的申請在以下天數審理完成 90%的申請在以下天數審理完成 400 Temporary Work (Short Stay Activity) (Short Stay Specialist) 9 days 16 days 403 Temporary Work (International Relations) (Government Agreement) 32 days 43 days 403 Temporary Work (International Relations) (Foreign Government Agency) 28 days 43 days 403 Temporary […]

DIBP (Australia) Global visa and citizenship processing times

In an unprecedented move, the Department of Immigration has announced that the processing times for global visa and citizenship is now available online. In a new move towards greater transparency, the Department of Immigration is all set to publish the processing times of global visa and citizenship applications online. In a statement released by the Department, they […]