


可提名職業包括:中長期職業列表(MLTSSL)+ 短期職業列表(STSOL)+ 偏遠地區職業列表(ROL)= 504個職業。

關於配偶加分(Schedule 6D.11)

新政策也規範了關於配偶加分(Schedule 6D.11),11月16日起,滿足一定要求的副申請人(即配偶)可以為主申請人加額外10分,配偶的加分要求如下






  • 491親屬擔保:副申請人的職業需在中長期職業列表MLTSSL清單上;
  • 491州政府擔保:副申請人的職業可以在中長期職業列表MLTSSL, 短期職業列表STSOL或偏遠地區職業列表ROL清單上的任何職業。
可以看到,新簽證491對配偶的要求與之前489的要求基本一致。  但是從11月16日起,配偶加分更為細化,下列這些情況也可以獲得加分:


配偶有Competent English,加5分;



  1.  單身+10分/配偶有4個6+職評:EOI系統將自動更新加分,且排隊日期不變(註:如果你在EOI的婚姻狀況填寫的是Never Married的,11月16號後將自動上漲10分);
  2. 新偏遠地區學習額外5分:需要手動補充學校相關信息;
  3. 配偶只有4個6/配偶是PR或Citizen:由於目前的舊EOI系統沒有這兩項加分選項,需要在新EOI系統後手動操作。

除了評分標準改變外,11月16日起變化的還有偏遠地區劃分。近日,移民局發佈了最新偏遠地區的Post code,如下圖:


State or TerritoryCategoryPostcodes
New South WalesCities and major regional centres2259, 2264 to 2308, 2500 to 2526, 2528 to 2535 and 2574
Regional centres and other regional areas2250 to 2258, 2260 to 2263, 2311 to 2490, 2527, 2536 to 2551, 2575 to 2739, 2753 to 2754, 2756 to 2758 and 2773 to 2898
VictoriaCities and major regional centres3211 to 3232, 3235, 3240, 3328, 3330 to 3333, 3340 and 3342
Regional centres and other regional areas3097 to 3099, 3139, 3233 to 3234, 3236 to 3239, 3241 to 3325, 3329, 3334, 3341, 3345 to 3424, 3430 to 3799, 3809 to 3909, 3912 to 3971 and 3978 to 3996
QueenslandCities and major regional centres4207 to 4275, 4517 to 4519, 4550 to 4551, 4553 to 4562, 4564 to 4569 and 4571 to 4575
Regional centres and other regional areas4124 to 4125, 4133, 4183 to 4184, 4280 to 4287, 4306 to 4498, 4507, 4552, 4563, 4570 and 4580 to 4895
Western AustraliaCities and major regional centres6000 to 6038, 6050 to 6083, 6090 to 6182, 6208 to 6211, 6214 and 6556 to 6558
Regional centres and other regional areasAll postcodes in Western Australia not mentioned in ‘Cities and major regional centres’ category above
South AustraliaCities and major regional centres5000 to 5171, 5173 to 5174, 5231 to 5235, 5240 to 5252, 5351 and 5950 to 5960
Regional centres and other regional areasAll postcodes in South Australia not mentioned in ‘Cities and major regional centres’ category above
TasmaniaCities and major regional centres7000, 7004 to 7026, 7030 to 7109, 7140 to 7151 and 7170 to 7177
Regional centres and other regional areasAll postcodes in Tasmania not mentioned in ‘Cities and major regional centres’ category above
Australian Capital TerritoryCities and major regional centresAll postcodes in the Australian Capital Territory
Regional centres and other regional areasNone
Northern TerritoryCities and major regional centresNone
Regional centres and other regional areasAll postcodes in the Northern Territory
Norfolk IslandCities and major regional centresNone
Regional centres and other regional areasAll postcodes in Norfolk Island
Other TerritoriesCities and major regional centresNone
Regional centres and other regional areasAll postcodes in a Territory other than the Australian Capital Territory, the Northern T
