為填補當地勞工市場的人才空缺,維多利亞州政府會引進海外可僱傭人才,為其提供在本州工作和生活的機會。 維州政府可提供擔保的簽證包括澳洲190技術移民簽證和澳洲489偏遠地區技術移民簽證。
維州職業清單列表會界定符合資格的職業和申請州擔保的最低要求,包括英語語言、工作經驗和專長等。2016年12月1日,維州政府經過深入的勞工市場及行業人才調查後,正式發佈了維州畢業生擔保職業清單(State Nomination Occupation List for Graduates)和維州州擔保職業清單(State Nomination Occupation List for Victoria)。
- 具備滿足州政府擔保最低要求的能力;
- 個人學歷、技能、經驗(包括各種特殊技能)與維州勞工市場需求的匹配性以及可轉換性;
- 個人(或攜帶家屬)在維州長期定居的能力及決心;
- 個人職業特長要求,以及在維州的求職能力;
- 個人職業與年度擔保名額的關係要求。
維州擔保技術移民職業清單及相應要求可以參考以下清單 (更新於15/07/2017):
ANZSCO code | 職業 | Occupation | 雅思要求 | 工作經驗 | 其他要求 |
Engineering and Building (工程及建築類職業) | |||||
312112 | 副樓 | Building Associate | 7.0 in each band | Two years | |
233211 | 土木工程師 | Civil Engineer | 7.0 in each band | Two years | |
312211 | 土木工程製圖員 | Civil Engineering Draftsperson | 7.0 in each band | Two years | |
233311 | 電氣工程師 | Electrical Engineer | 7.0 in each band | Two years | |
312311 | 電氣工程製圖員 | Electrical Engineering Draftsperson | 7.0 in each band | Two years | |
233512 | 機械工程師 | Mechanical Engineer | 7.0 in each band | Two years | |
Biotechnology and Science (生物科學類職業) | |||||
224112 | 數學家 | Mathematician | 6.0 in each band | Two years | Must have two year's experience in the Science industry. |
234111 | 農業顧問 | Agricultural Consultant | 6.0 in each band | Two years | |
234112 | 農業科學家 | Agricultural Scientist | 6.0 in each band | Two years | |
233914 | 工程技師 | Engineering Technologist | 7.0 in each band | Two years | |
234711 | 獸醫 | Veterinarian | 7.0 in each band | Three years | Must be registered with the Veterinary Practitioners Registration Board of Victoria. |
Human Resources Management (人力資源管理類職業) | |||||
132311 | 人力資源經理 | Human Resource Manager | 6.0 in each band | Five years | |
Information and Communications Technology | |||||
Applications for ICT occupations do not open until 1 July 2017 and have a new application process. For more information, see How to apply for Victorian visa nomination: ICT occupations on the Skilled Nominated visa (subclass 190) page. | |||||
135112 | ICT項目經理 | ICT Project Manager | 7.0 in each band | Three years | |
261111 | ICT業務分析師 | ICT Business Analyst | 7.0 in each band | Five years | |
261112 | 系統分析 | Systems Analyst | 7.0 in each band | Three years | |
261311 | 分析程序員 | Analyst Programmer | 7.0 in each band | Three years | |
261312 | 開發程序員 | Developer Programmer | 7.0 in each band | Three years | |
261313 | 軟體工程師 | Software Engineer | 7.0 in each band | Three years | |
261314 | 軟體測試員 | Software Tester | 7.0 in each band | Three years | |
262111 | 數據庫管理員 | Database Administrator | 7.0 in each band | Three years | |
262112 | ICT安全專家 | ICT Security Specialist | 7.0 in each band | Three years | |
263111 | 計算機網路和系統工程師 | Computer Network and Systems Engineer | 7.0 in each band | Three years | |
Applications in the following specialisations are not currently accepted: - Web Designer - Help Desk Operator - Help Desk Manager. | |||||
Tourism and Hospitality (旅遊管理類職業) | |||||
351311 | 廚師 | Chef | 6.0 in each band | Five years | |
141311 | 酒店或汽車旅館經理 | Hotel or Motel Manager | 6.0 in each band | Five years | Must have experience in a large, international firm and managerial experience. |
See the Trades section for information on Hospitality Trades. | |||||
Health (健康醫療類職業) | |||||
224213 | 衛生信息管理 | Health Information Manager | 7.0 in each band | Two years | Must have a qualification accredited by the Health Information Management Association of Australia. Higher education transcripts and certificates required. |
254111 | 助產士 | Midwife | 7.0 in each band | Two years | Must have registration (or approval in principle) from the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia. |
254411 | 護士執業 | Nurse Practitioner | 7.0 in each band | Two years | Must have registration (or approval in principle) from the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia. |
254412 | 註冊護士(老年護理) | Registered Nurse (Aged Care) | 7.0 in each band | Two years | Must have registration (or approval in principle) from the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia. |
254413 | 註冊護士(兒童和家庭健康) | Registered Nurse (Child and Family Health) | 7.0 in each band | Two years | Must have registration (or approval in principle) from the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia. Must be registered as both a nurse and a midwife. |
254414 | 註冊護士(社區衛生) | Registered Nurse (Community Health) | 7.0 in each band | Two years | Must have registration (or approval in principle) from the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia. |
254415 | 註冊護士(重症監護和急診) | Registered Nurse (Critical Care and Emergency) | 7.0 in each band | Two years | Must have registration (or approval in principle) from the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia. |
254416 | 註冊護士(發育障礙) | Registered Nurse (Developmental Disability) | 7.0 in each band | Two years | Must have registration (or approval in principle) from the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia. |
254417 | 註冊護士(殘疾和康復) | Registered Nurse (Disability and Rehabilitation) | 7.0 in each band | Two years | Must have registration (or approval in principle) from the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia. |
254418 | 註冊護士(醫療) | Registered Nurse (Medical) | 7.0 in each band | Two years | Must have registration (or approval in principle) from the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia. |
254421 | 註冊護士(醫療實踐) | Registered Nurse (Medical Practice) | 7.0 in each band | Two years | Must have registration (or approval in principle) from the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia. |
254422 | 註冊護士(心理健康) | Registered Nurse (Mental Health) | 7.0 in each band | Two years | Must have registration (or approval in principle) from the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia. |
254423 | 註冊護士(圍手術期) | Registered Nurse (Perioperative) | 7.0 in each band | Two years | Must have registration (or approval in principle) from the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia. |
254424 | 註冊護士(手術) | Registered Nurse (Surgical) | 7.0 in each band | Two years | Must have registration (or approval in principle) from the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia. |
254499 | 註冊護士NEC | Registered Nurses nec | 7.0 in each band | Two years | Must have registration (or approval in principle) from the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia. |
272311 | 臨床心理學家 | Clinical Psychologist | 7.0 in each band (Academic IELTS only) | Two years | Must have general registration with the Psychology Board of Australia. |
251111 | 營養師 | Dietitian | 6.0 in each band | Two years | |
252411 | 職業治療師 | Occupational Therapist | 7.0 in each band | Ten years | Must have experience in mental health care. |
252511 | 物理治療師 | Physiotherapist | 7.0 in each band | Two years | Must have registration (or approval in principle) from the Physiotherapy Board of Australia. |
252611 | 足科醫生 | Podiatrist | 7.0 in each band | Two years | Must have registration (or approval in principle) from the Podiatry Board of Australia. |
272511 | 社會工作者 | Social Worker | 7.0 in each band | Two years | Preferred specialisations:Mental Health Workers Skilled Children and Family Workers Child Protection (must have a minimum of two years statutory child protection practice and Australian Association of Social Workers accreditation). |
251214 | 超聲醫師 | Sonographer | 7.0 in each band | Two years | |
252712 | 語言病理學家 | Speech Pathologist | 6.0 in each band | Two years | |
234914 | 物理學家(僅醫學) | Physicist (Medical only) | 7.0 in each band | Two years | Must have experience in diagnostic imaging or radiation oncology. |
251213 | 核醫學技師 | Nuclear Medicine Technologist | 7.0 in each band | Two years | Must have registration (or approval in principle) from the Medical Radiation Practice Board of Australia. |
Education (健康類職業) | |||||
241111 | 幼兒(預小學)教師 | Early Childhood (Pre-primary School) Teacher | Overall: 7.5 Speaking: 8.0 Listening: 8.0 Reading: 7.0 Writing: 7.0 | Two years | Must have ACECQA certification. |
134111 | 幼兒中心經理 | Child Care Centre Manager | Overall: 7.5 Speaking: 8.0 Listening: 8.0 Reading: 7.0 Writing: 7.0 | Two years | Must have ACECQA certification (note that certification focuses on education qualifications not management qualifications). |
241213 | 小學教師 | Primary School Teacher | Overall: 7.5 Speaking: 8.0 Listening: 8.0 Reading: 7.0 Writing: 7.0 | Two years | Must be registered with the Victorian Institute of Teaching. Must have experience teaching at least one of the following languages: Chinese Indonesian Japanese Korean French German Italian Greek Spanish Turkish Arabic Vietnamese. |
241411 | 中學教師 | Secondary School Teacher | Overall: 7.5 Speaking: 8.0 Listening: 8.0 Reading: 7.0 Writing: 7.0 | Two years | Must be registered with the Victorian Institute of Teaching. Must specialise in at least one of the following fields: Mathematics or Physics Technology (Food, Metal, Wood or Auto) Languages General science Special education Information technology. |
272412 | 翻譯員 | Interpreter | 6.0 in each band | Two years | Must have NAATI 「professional」 accreditation. |
Trades (技工類職業) | |||||
Construction Trades | |||||
334112 | 空調和機械服務管道工 | Airconditioning and Mechanical Services Plumber | 6.0 in each band | Five years | |
394111 | 櫥櫃製造商 | Cabinetmaker | 6.0 in each band | Five years | |
334113 | 下水 | Drainer | 6.0 in each band | Five years | |
334114 | Gasfitter | Gasfitter | 6.0 in each band | Five years | |
334115 | 屋頂管道工 | Roof Plumber | 6.0 in each band | Five years | |
Engineering Trades | |||||
322311 | 金屬加工廠 | Metal Fabricator | 6.0 in each band | Five years | |
322211 | 鈑金交易員 | Sheetmetal Trades Worker | 6.0 in each band | Five years | |
322313 | 焊機(一級) | Welder (First Class) | 6.0 in each band | Five years | |
323214 | 金屬機械師(一級) | Metal Machinist (First Class) | 6.0 in each band | Five years | |
Electrical/Electronic/Communications Trades | |||||
342111 | 空調及製冷技工 | Airconditioning and Refrigeration Mechanic | 6.0 in each band | Five years | |
342313 | 電子設備交易員 | Electronic Equipment Trades Worker | 6.0 in each band | Five years | |
342413 | 電信Linesworker | Telecommunications Linesworker | 6.0 in each band | Five years | |
Hospitality Trades | |||||
351111 | 麵包師傅 | Baker | 6.0 in each band | Five years | |
351411 | 廚師 | Cook | 6.0 in each band | Five years | |
351112 | 面點師 | Pastrycook | 6.0 in each band | Five years |