澳洲移民局在审里伴侣签证时,需要根据澳洲移民法 Migration Act 1958 (Cth) 和Migration Regulations 1994(Cth) 来审理,在审理的时候,签证官必须以澳洲移民法为依据才能有效的决定签证申请人是否符合申请签证的资格。

伴侣签证是一个热门的家庭类别签证之一,此签证是给在澳洲拥有永居身份或者澳洲公民来担保其伴侣来澳洲的签证。 通常对伴侣的定义,我们一般会认定为结婚或者同居就是符合伴侣关系,但是申请澳洲伴侣签证必需要了解澳洲移民法对伴侣关系的定义如何,才能确保自己有申请伴侣签证的资格。




Partner (伴侣)

移民法定义: A spouse, de facto partner or fiancé(e).


Spouse (配偶)

移民法定义:  A person is the spouse of another person if they are in a married relationship.

De facto relationship (同居关系)


A person is in a de facto relationship with another person if:
they are not in a married relationship with each other;

  • they are not related by family (不能有血缘关系;
  • they have a mutual commitment to a shared life to the exclusion of all others (一起共同分担生活并且感情上无法分开彼此);
  • the relationship between them is genuine and continuing (关系必须是真实并且持续的);
  • they live together or do not live separately and apart on a permanent basis; and (住在一起而且不是永久分居在不同地方)
  • the relationship has continued for the period of 12 months immediately preceding the date of application (special circumstances apply). (同居关系必需在递交申请前维持12个月以上 (其他方式可以有条件豁免)

Married relationship (结婚关系定义)

Persons are in a married relationship if: (必需在以下情况下才符合移民法的结婚关系要求)

  • they are married to each other under a marriage that is valid for the Australian Migration Law; (必需在合法结婚并且符合澳洲移民法的婚姻)
  • they have a mutual commitment to a shared life as husband and wife to the exclusion of all others; (夫妻之间有一起共同分担生活并且感情上无法分开彼此)
  • the relationship between them is genuine and continuing; and (关系必须是真实并且持续的)
  • they live together or do not live separately and apart on a permanent basis. (住在一起而且不是永久分居在不同地方)

Settled (定居要求)

To meet settled requirements, a person must have been lawfully resident in Australia for a reasonable period, usually 2 years. (符合移民局澳洲定居要求,必需在澳洲有居住过一段时间,通常移民局认定的定居时间是2年。)

